Helsingør Museer

Lokalhistorisk Arkiv for Helsingør Kommune, Helsingør Kommunes Museer, Strandgade 91, 3000 Helsingør, Tenna Bülow, Archivist, tbl64@helsingor.dk


Bilthoven, 30 juni 2017

Dear Madam/Sir,

Excuse me for writing in the English language. Between Danish and Dutch that is an easier language than German, at least to me.

According to a Dutch source a “stamtræ” of the Von Meyerfeld family should be available in Helsingør. That is the reason why I am approaching you.

The name Von Meyerfeld could point to the noble family Meijerfeldt, that lived between 1674 and 1817 in Livonia, Sweden and Pomerania. During some years the family owned one estate in Denmark: Gammel Køge. But perhaps there is a link to another family.

My question to you is the following. Do you think a visit to your institution would help me, do you advise me to go elsewhere or can I make a start in an electronic archive?

Thank you in advance for any trouble taken,
Hugo G. von Meijenfeldt



Helsingør, 6 juli 2017

Dear Mr. Hugo G. Meierfeldt,

I am so sorry, but I cannot help you. I cannot find any mention of the family in our records nor in the register of trade license or in the census paper of Helsingør Købstad. A visit to our institution would not help you. The Dutch source mentioning a “stamtræ” in Helsingør might refer to a private archive connected to a family in Helsingør. Private archives are for the most part kept in The Record Office in København www.sa.dk/. I have not looked through the parish register of Helsingør Købstad. You will find the parish register online www.arkivalieronline.sa.dk. If you have names and  dates of birth you can use the online services Danish family Search  www.danishfamilysearch.dk/ and Dansk Demografisk database  www.ddd.ddd.dk/. Here you have to know that “amt”(i.e. count) is Frederikborg og that “herred” (i.e.district) is Lynge Krongborg and that “sogn”(i.e. parish) is Sct. Olai or Sct. Mariæ. If the family had any connection to mercantile marine, maybe the Maritime Museum here in Helsingør is able to help you  M/S Museet for Søfart www.mfs.dk/.

Best Regards,
Tenna Bülow


Bilthoven, 7 juni 2017

Dear Tenna Bülow,
Thank you very much for your quick answer. You have helped me to continue my research.
Best regards,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt