Thorsten Hild

Thorsten Hild, Semperstrasse 27, 22303 Hamburg, +49 177 3133621,


Hamburg, 11 februari 2008

Liebe Familie Meijenfeldt,

mein Name ist Thorsten Hild. Ich bin verwandt mit Isolde von Meijenfeldt (geb. Hild). Wir haben jedoch seit sehr langer Zeit den Kontakt verloren.

Vielleicht sind Sie so nett und leiten diese E-Mail von mir an sie weiter.

Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.

Viele Grüße
Thorsten Hild

Dear Sirs,

would you like to submit this email to Isolde von Meijenfeldt. My name is Thorsten Hild, and I am a relative of her. However, we lost contact long time ago.

It would be nice to hear from you, thank you.

Best regards,
Thorsten Hild

Bilthoven, 11 februari 2008

Dear Thorsten Hild,

Thank you for your e-mail.

It has been a long time ago that I spoke to Isolde, a few years after her husband Chiel von Meijenfeldt died.

Let me try to find her address and then come back to you.

Kind regards,
Hugo G. von Meijenfeldt

Hamburg, 11 februari 2008

Dear Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

thank you very much for your quick answer.

And thank you for your efforts to find the address.

Best regards,
Thorsten Hild

Bilthoven, 1 maart 2008

Beste Tom,

Nu eens een keer niet een aangekondigd bezoek aan je zaak (gaat er beslist een keer van komen), maar ditmaal een doorgestuurde mail uit Duitsland. Omdat ik geen (e-mail) adres van Isolde heb, zou ik jou willen vragen dit bericht door te geven. Uit familiebelangstelling ben ik wel benieuwd hoe dit afloopt. Als het de bedoeling is juist afstand te houden, ben ik ook bereid daar zorg voor te dragen.

Groet, Hugo

Breda, 27 maart 2008

Hallo Hugo,

Ik had je mail niet eerder ontvangen. Isolde is erg op zichzelf de laatste tijd, maar ik zal het aan haar doorgeven.

Bedankt voor je bericht maar waar blijft nu deel 3,

Bilthoven, 29 maart 2008

Dear Thorsten Hild,

To avoid a long period of silence, I will inform you about the progress I made. I approached one of the children of Chiel von Meijenfeldt, from his earlier marriage. This son was not certain that he would be successful, but at least he promised to approach his stepmother.

It is possible that you will be contacted directly, and if not you will hear from me again.

Best regards,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt

Hamburg, 29 maart 2008

Dear Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

thank you very much for your message and your efforts. It seems that you somehow lost contact to Isolde as well.

I got the idea to contact Isolde, because, we had the same father, and I would like to go into his family history. I got to know Chiel and Isolde, and also Friederike, when I myself was a child and they visited our family here in Germany. Then, when I was adolescent, I made a bicycle-tour through the Netherlands and visited them. Long time ago.

You should know, that my relation to my family here has been rather complicated, and I cut the relationship to them long time ago. But that is a long and complicated story. So I thought it could be an idea to spoke to her about our father and his biography. There is no specific reason or intention behind, just a feeling that I should know more about him and his roots or biography. Perhaps she has also still contact to family members of my father. His brother, Paul, was an artist painter, but there is no information on him in the internet, and, since I visited him once with my father, years ago, and he was very ill, I think he has died meanwhile. My father, too, has died some years ago.

So far some background why I was asking you.

Thank you again, and perhaps the other son of Chiel you mentioned succeed to contact Isolde.

Best regards,
Thorsten Hild

Bilthoven, 30 oktober 2008

Dear Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

unfortunately Isolde has never written to me. Perhaps the child of Chiel was not successful in contacting Isolde?

Best regards,
Thorsten Hild