Rehnström Antiqvariat

Mats Rehnström, Jakobsgatan 27, Box 16394, SE-103 27 Stockholm, phone: +46 8 411 92 24, fax: +46 8 411 94 61,


Stockholm, 21 mei 2006


Your order has now been sent by e-mail to the antiquarian book shop offering the following item. The book will be sent to you, or you will be contacted within 3 days by the bookshop offering the item. If you have additional questions about this order, please use the “Reply” function in your e-mail program to contact the book shop.

You have ordered the following item:

[MEIJERFELDT] (ADLERBETH, G. J.) Tal öfver hans excellence den högvälborne herr Johan August Mejerfelt, en af rikets herrar, fältmarskalk, riddare och commendör af kongl. maj:ts orden, samt riddare med stora korset af kongl. Svärds-orden; uppläst då dess vapen vid jordfästningen i kongl. Riddareholms-kyrkan krossades, den 2 maj 1800. Sthlm, C. Deleen & J. G. Forsgren, 1800. 8:o. 28 s. Häftad i samtida glättat omslag med J. A. Almquists anteckningar och stpl. Fint ex.

@ Enligt samtida anteckning i exemplaret sammanställdes personalierna av Carl Mörner och talet lästes upp av L. von Hauswolff.

SEK 250 – (USD~ 32) — (REH43829A)

Sales conditions:

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Postens avgifter tillkommer. Vill ni hämta böcker i butiken, meddela gärna detta på nedanstående beställningsformulär. Böckerna innehåller ingen avdragsgill moms. Det går bra att ångra sig inom 14 dagar från det att böckerna mottagits.

Known customers and institutions will be invoiced, other buyers will get a proforma invoice for payment in advance. Payment can also be made by Visa or Mastercard, cardusers please contact us for further instructions.

The books contain no deductable VAT. Postage is extra. Any purchase may be returned within two weeks, if so please notify us in advance.

Your card details are stored. I accept to pay the amount due plus applicable postage. Preferred delivery method: Please send by mail

Sales conditions
Each item is handled as a separate order with separate costs. When ordering more items from the same book shop, these will be send together, as far as possible.
As postage and taxes partially are based on weight, vi can’t inform about the exact shipping costs in advance.
– as books are offered other places as well, items may already have been sold
– prices do not include drawable vat, unless mentioned otherwise
– prices are excl. delivery, banking costs and export charges
– prices shown in other currencies are guiding; the amount in the original currency is charged
– with mail order you have 14 days right of return; costs for returning are paid by the buyer
– the participating booksellers have the right to charge payment in advance
Possible additional conditions are shown with the items.