Stadsarkiv Örebro

Stadsarkiv Örebro, Stefan Nilsson, archivaris,, Kanslihuset, Kaserngården 4, 70135 Örebro, 019-211078,


Bilthoven, 9 november 2003.

Dear Madam/Sir,

Excuse me for addressing you in the English language. My command of the Swedish language is not impressive, and I assume that the Dutch language would course more problems for you.

In the Royal Library in Stockholm I found a ruling of your City Court (Örebro Stads Kämnärs Rätt) between claimant Olof Gustaf Roos and defendants Örnsköld, Mejerfeldt and Eneschiöld. The claim was that on 8 November 1794 defendants unlawfully had urged claimant to leave the “klubb-salen”.

This case would have been quite amusing, were it not that the second defendant, Count Axel Fredrik von Meijerfeldt, high adjudant of the King, son of the Field Marshall, died 25 years old in Örebro on 13 January 1795, only a couple of weeks after the court’s ruling.

My question to you is if you could advise me on how the investigate the death of Axel further. Apart from the date and place of his death, I don’t know about his burial and the circumstances under which he died, apart from the court ruling a few weeks before his death. Of course a duell comes to my mind, but I would like to have more certainty.

As you may have guessed from the heading of this e-mail, I am related to this young Count.

I would like to thank you in advance for any information given.

Yours sincerely,
Hugo G. von Meijenfeldt.

Örebro, 25 november 2003.

Dear Mr von Meijenfeldt,

Sorry for the delay in answering your mail. I have done a lookup for Axel Fredrik von Meijerfeldt. I have checked the death-rolls 1795 for the City of Örebro on microfilm (Örebro Död- och begravningsböcker F:1) and found Axel Fredrik (see encl. image in separate e-mail). The cause of death is “hetsig feber”. We also have a card index of people in Örebro, which I have made a copy from (see encl. image in separate e-mail).

Yours Sincerely,
Stefan Nilsson.

Bilthoven, 27 november 2003.

Dear Stefan Nilsson,

May I thank you very much for all the trouble you were so kind to take. Your e-mail and scanned documents saved me a lot of traveling. I can now exclude the sensational theory about my ancestor.

Yours sincerely,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt.