KB, Lars Lifvendahl

Kungliga Biblioteket, Repro- och fotoenheten, Lars Lifvendahl, Box 5039, 10241, Stockholm, repro-foto@kb.se


Bilthoven, 27 september 2003

Dear Madam/Sir,

On Friday 8 August I visited your library and filled in “Beställning” forms to obtain photocopies of some old documents. Since I live in the Netherlands, your officer at the desk promised to send a calculation to me and after my payment I would optain the copies. Until now I did not receive a calculation. Perhaps something went wrong. Could you inform me on the state of affairs?

Thank you in advance,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt

Stockholm, 29 september 2003

Dear Sir,

First of all I must apologize for the delay of your order. We have been searching for the speech over the countess Lovisa A. Meyerfelt and it hasn’t turned up until now. However, the rest of your order has been complete for a while.
Usually, we prefer customers to pay in advance if the final sum exceeds 500 Kronor. However, the sum of your order is 276 Kronor, postage not included.
Please confirm your order, and we will send you the copies as soon as possible. The invoice will be sent separately.

Thank you for your patience!

Yours sincerely,
Lars Lifvendahl


Dear Lars Lifvendahl

Thank you very much for your quick answer. Your decision to wait for the final paper is well understandable. If the last document turns up I’m still interested, but in the mean time I indeed would like to receive the other copies to work further on them. I will pay the invoice as soon as I have received it. Thank you very much for all the trouble taken.

Best regards,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt

Bilthoven, 1 november 2003

Dear Lars Lifvendahl,

Once again thank you very much for all the papers you have send me. In  the mean time I received the bill and have paid the amount of 410 Swedish crowns immediately.

After checking all the papers I have one request. One paper was the following:

Katalogsignum: Sv. Saml. Jurid. Sv. Rätteg. handl. (Br) 1700-1829
Tjänstant.: 5
Författarnamn/Annat ordningsord: Roos, Olof Gustaf [SB17:850708a26]
Materialets titel: Örebro Stads Kämnärs-Rätts Protocoller, hallne emellan Borgaren O.G. Roos, karande; och Herr Öfwerste-Lieutenanten Friherre J.W. Örnsköld etc. etc. etc.
Förlag: Örebro, J.P. Lindh, 1795

I received copies of the pages up and until page 16. According to my information there should be 24 pages. Indeed, the court case suddenly finished. Could you check if the pages 17 till 24 (or an other number) still exist. If so, I would like to order a copy of these pages as well, also to know how the court case ended!

Thank you very much in advance for all the trouble taken,

Yours sincerely,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt