Robert Oldach

Robert Oldach, Greifswald, 


San Francisco, 18 augustus 2014

Dear dr. Robert Oldach,

Excuse me for writing to you in English. You may reply to me in German, if you wish.

I am very interested in your book “Gott gebe ihnen Glueck, Segen und Sieg” in Mike Hartmanns series “Grenzregion zwischen Pommern und Mecklenburg”, 8 (2013). Although I could buy the book for 12.80 euro, it is almost impossible to have it shipped to San Francisco, where I live. Before I take all the effort, I take the liberty to explain my interest.

One of the participants on the Swedish side during the Seven Years War was count Johan August von Meyerfeldt (1725-1800). In 1758 he was commander of the First German Battalion Grenadiers of 400 men divided in 4 companions. He was active in other parts of Pomerania, but Nehringen and Medrow were the big family estates since 1714. During the quiet times of the war he lived there. I am trying to find the smallest details about him in that particular time and place, because his natural son was born there around 1760. I am the greatgreatgrandson of that natural son.

Do you have the feeling that your book will help me and if not, can you give perhaps any other advice to continue my research (apart from studying the church books of Glewitz, which I did)?

Thank you in advance for any trouble taken,
Kind regards, Hugo G. von Meijenfeldt