KB / Karlsson & Westin

Anne-Marie Karlsson, Handskrifter, Kartor och Bilder, Andreas Westin, Document Delivery, Kungliga Biblioteket, P.O. Box 5039, SE – 102 41 Stockholm Sweden,  https://www.kb.se/kb-in-english.html, info@kb.se, Anne-Marie.Karlsson@kb.se


Bilthoven, 27 juli 2020

Formulär KB

I have read the National Library of Sweden’s General Terms of Purchase.

Payment method: Invoice

Choose the type of reproduction you wish to order (Select option): PDF-file

From what type of library material do you wish to place your order? (Select option): Manuscript

Title: Engestr. B.VII.1.1

Author: “Kongl. rådet grefve J.A. Meijerfelts brefväxling” eller Meijerfelt’s “Memoires”

Publication (for example, year of printing, place of publication, edition): 1708-1738

Other information (for example, pages, chapters): 10 katernen  (150 pages), if more please contact

Name: Hugo von Meijenfeldt

Address: Parklaan 86, 3722 BH Bilthoven, Nederländerna

E-mail: hugo.vonmeijenfeldt@gmail.com

Telephone number: +31615017974

Invoice address: Same as above

Stockholm, 29 juli 2020

Dear Mr. Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

We do not generally make PDF files of these manuscripts, but in this case we can make an exception.

Our Reproduction Services can make PDF files of this material with the assistance of our conservators

When studying the manuscript, I noticed that the volume has other material, not only letters, please see attached mobile snap shots  one and two.

Are you interested in PDF files of this material?

The letters starts in the second half of the volume, please see mobile snap shots three and four with examples of these letters.  

Due to the fact that the volume is tightly bound there may be some minor text losses of text in the inner margins of the volume. Please see examples of this on attached mobile snap shots five and six.

If you do not have any problems with this fact we can proceed with your order of PDF files.  

Yours sincerely,
Anne-Marie Karlsson

Bilthoven, 29 july 2020

Dear Anne-Marie Karlsson,

Thank you very much for your very quick response.
I would also like to thank you for the exception with regard to the PDF-files. The quality and therefore readibility of your photo’s look very good to me. I understand there will be pages not as good as these ones.
With regard to the documents I have to explain that my focus is on Meijerfeldt’s Journal, Relation or Memoires. According to C. Hallendorf “Karl XII och Lewenhaupt år 1708”, UUA 1902:3, page 141-142 and H. Villius, “Karl XII:s ryska fälttåg”, Källstudier, Lund 1951, page 126-128, his report is misleadingly called Brefväxling, starting mid 1705 and ending in the 1730-ies (perhaps the last part is in the Riksarkivet). When I look at your photo’s, I believe this is the text they are referring to. 
Meijerfeldt wrote in the third person: “Dieses ist zu observiren, dass wenn solches geschrieben als von einem tertium geschriebem und nicht von mich selbst.” I will do the same, knowing my ancestor gave subjective information.
Is it possible for you to estimate how many pages you will have to scan? I thought 150, but this is purely speculation from the books of Hallendorf and Villius.
Thank you in advance for all the trouble taken,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt


Bilthoven, 29 juli 2020
Dear Anne-Marie,
Sorry to come back once more.
Looking at your last pictures I now see they must be part of two documents H. Villius mentioned and photographed in his book. One is a draft version called Wahrhaffte Relation wie eß beschaffen mit der Absendung des G. Meijerfelt von I K M unsers gnadigstes Königes nach der unglückl. pultavischen Batalli wie der H. Sultman solches als ein Unparteischer bezeugen kann. His secretary Lowenheim wrote a final version,with alterations and a signature of Meijerfeldt, called Memorial und Unterricht wie eß zugegangen daß ein Revers von mir gegeben.
These two attachments are very important to me.
Best regards,

Stockholm, 29 juli 2020

Dear Mr. Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the staff at Manuscripts, Maps and Pictures work from home as much as possible.

I have other errands in the Royal Library on Friday this week and will send you an estimation of the number of pages then. I hope that this is alright?

As I understand your answer, you are interested in PDF files of all the material in this volume.

Yours sincerely,
Anne-Marie Karlsson

Bilthoven, 29 juli 2020

Thank you very much Anne-Marie,
The Dutch policy of going into the office is more or less the same as yours. If necessary and when healthy I can occasionally go and have to wear a mouth cap in public transportation, wash my hands at arrival and keep 1,5 meter distance. Although this is not part of the policy I of course have all the patience you need.
Your conclusion that I need all the material is indeed right. If the amount of pages appear to be  much more than I estimated I perhaps should make a selection.
All the best,


Stockholm 31 juli 2020

Dear Mr. Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

According to my estimation, there are approx. 120 pages in this volume.

Can we proceed with your order of PDF files of the material?

Yours sincerely,

Anne-Marie Karlsson

Bilthoven, 31 juli 2020

Great, thank you for the estimation Anne-Marie.

Indeed, please proceed with the order to make the 120 PDFs.

All the best,

Stockholm, 31 juli 2020

Dear Mr. Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

I have now sent your order for the PDF files to our Reproduction Services.

If you have any questions concerning this order, please contact them by email: info@kb.se or by phone: +46 (0)10-709 30 30 (from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)


Yours sincerely,

Anne-Marie Karlsson

Stockholm,5 augustus 2020
Dear Hugo von Meijenfeldt,
sent you some files
1 item, 94.4 MB in total ・ Expires on 2 September, 2020
Here comes the copies. The cost will be 992 SEK, we will send you an invoice later, it may take several weeks though.

Document Delivery
National Library of Sweden

Get your files
Download link
1 item
Johan August Meijerfelt.pdf
94.4 MB

Kind regards
Andreas Westin

Bilthoven, 6 augustus 2020

Dear Andreas Westin,

Thank you very much for the fast scan of the Johan August Meijerfeldt papers.
I had a quick look at the PDFs. The result looks very good. Anne-Marie Karlsson warned me that some some words in the border of the left pages would be hard to read. Out of the context I believe I can follow the report.
Anne-Marie Karlsson estimated the number of PDFs at 120, but that appears to be the front side of the pages. Luckely you have sent me also the backsides, together 223 PDFs. Don’t bother, I will pay the full (double) price.
Some pages seem to be missing: 87 until 89v, 95, 95v, 97, 97v, 99, 99v, 100-111v. If these pages are blanc I understand you did not make a PDF, but I am looking for the pages that according to a few history books (Hallendorf, Villius) carry the title “Wahrhaffte Relation wie eß beschaffen mit der Absendung des G. Meijerfelt von I K M unsers gnadigstes Königes nach der unglückl. pultavischen Batalli wie der H. Sultman solches als ein Unparteischer bezeugen kann.” Could you have another look?
Best regards,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt

Stockholm, 6 augustus 2020

Dear Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

I have looked through the volume again to be sure and the omitted pages have no text, except for the folio numbering.

Kind regards

Andreas Westin

Stockholm, 10 augustus 2020

Dear Mr. Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

I am very sorry for my miscalculation of the number of pages in the volume.

The missing pages are blank pages (87 until 89v, 95, 95v, 97, 97v, 99, 99v), but according to our Reproduction Services, they have sent you PDF files of pages 100-111v.

I cannot find the title you are looking for in our Manuscrip Collections but when I searched the Internet, I came upon this web page: https://meijenfeldt.nl/?page_id=6908

According to this information, H. Villius has made a reference to information in ”Riksarkivet” in Stockholm, the Swedish National Archives, in his book ”Karl XII:s ryska fälttåg”.

When I searched the Swedish National Archives database for ”Johan August Meijerfeldt” I got this information: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/nad?Sokord=Johan+August+Meijerfelt&EndastDigitaliserat=false&BegransaPaTitelEllerNamn=false&Arkivinstitution=&Typ=&Huvudkategori=&DatumFran=&DatumTill=&AvanceradSok=False&typAvLista=Standard

There is more material in Uppsala University Library, https://www.ub.uu.se/about-the-library/ concerning Johan August Meijerfeldt sr,


Yours sincerely,

Anne-Marie Karlsson

Bilthoven, 10 augustus 2020

Dear Anne-Marie Karlsson,

Thank you for coming back to my e-mail and putting so many effort in my questions.

No problem with the estimation. The historians that have studied the manuscript (E. Carlson, C. Hallendorff, P. Sörensson, H. Villius) have different estimations.
I downloaded the file with WeTransfer succesfully. Your explanation about the blanco pages is clear to me. I checked pages 100 till 111v again, but page 109v (PDF 208) is followed by page 112 (PDF 209). If those four pages are blanco as well and therefore not scanned by your Repro services I rest my case. If there actually is text on these pages I would appreciate to receive these extra PDFs (and pay for them of course).
I had a better look at page 112 and further. It starts with the words “Wahrhafter relation”. This is the still missing document I was looking for. Problem solved.
The website www.meijenfeldt.nl is my own. I only refer to the existance of the “Wahrhafter relation”. Now I‘m able to do the monk’s work of a transciption of the full text.
The links to the Riksarkivet and UUB are most useful, thank you. I will continue my search to the last 30 pages of the “memoires”.
Best regards,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt

Stockholm, 12 augustus 2020

Dear Mr. Hugo von Meijenfeldt,

I am in the Royal Library today and have had another look at the manuscript and the pages in between 109v and 112, please see attached mobile snap shots of these pages (110, 110v, 111, 111v) .

Are you still interested in PDF files of these mostly blank pages?

If you are, I will proceed with your order.

Yours sincerely,

Anne-Marie Karlsson

Bilthoven, 12 augustus 2020
Dear Anne-Maria Karlsson,
Thanks to your photo’s everything is totally clear to me now. Andreas Westin did not scan pages 110, 110v, 111 and 111v because they are indeed blanco. Pages 109v (Trautvetter) and 112 (Wahrhafter Relation) were already in his package. Therefore no extra PDF’s are needed.
I will await the invoice.
Thank you for all the time you have spent on me.
Best regards,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt