Wolf-Joachim von Rodbertus

Wolf-Joachim von Rodbertus, Am Eulenberg 2, 24991 Großsolt, gsm: 0174-2541165, wolf@vonrodbertus.de


Groβsolt, 30 juni 2014

Lieber Herr von Meijenfeldt,

im Kulturhistorischen Museum in Stralsund fand ich obige Urkunden/Abbildungen, die Ihnen sicherlich schon bekannt sind. Trotzdem!

Hoffe, Ihnen geht es gut.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Wolf-Joachim v. Rodbertus

San Francisco, 3 juli 2014

Dear Sir Wolf-Joachim von Rodbertus,

Thank you very much for your kind e-mail. Very nice of you to remember our exchange of information.

The Urkunde was known to me, but the picture of the weaponshield is a new one to me. Thanks a million!

Last year I moved to San Francisco, California, but I will return to Europe and definitely plan to visit Stralsund once again and have a look at these originals myself.

With warm regards,

Hugo G. von Meijenfeldt