BB. Joods


Julius Meyerfeld

Ein Beitrag zur kenntnis der Einwirkung von Phosphorpent­achlo­rid auf Anile zweibasischjer Saurer, dissertatie scheikunde 16 juni 1893, Universi­teit van Bonn, BK

Max Meyerfeld

— Quellenstudien zu Ro­bert Burns, dissertatie letterkunde 30 juli 1889, Univer­siteit van Berlijn, BK
Robert Burns, Studien zu seiner dichter, Entwicklg. gr. 8, Berlijn 1899.
Von Sprach und Art der Deut­schen und Englander, Kriti­sche Worte und Wortkritik, Berlijn 1903, BK.
vertaald uit Engels: Oscar F.O­.W. Wilde, Die Herzo­gin von Padua, Ber­lijn 1904, 175 blz., BK.
Dr. Gerhart Hauptman, 3 juni 1905, Oxford, Beilagen zur Vossischen Zeitung.
vertaald uit Engels: Oscar F.O­.W. Wilde, De Profun­dis. Auf­zeich­nun­gen und Briefe aus dem Zuchthaus in Rea­ding, Berlijn 1905, 191 blz., BK.
Censor and other Tales, Nineteenth Century 69, maart 1911, blz. 460-470, ART.
vertaald uit Engels: William Shakespeare, Othello, der Mohr von Venedig, Leipzig (Der Tempel), BK.
vertaald uit Engels: Oscar F.­O.W. Wilde, De Profun­dis. Epis­tola in carcere et vinculis. Unge­kur­tzte Urausgabe, mit Ge­nehmigung von Oscar Wildes Er­ben, Berlijn 1925, 182 blz., BK.
Oscar Wilde: letzte Briefe, Berlijn 1925, 172 blz., BK.
vertaald uit het Engels: Alexander Zemlinsky, Eine florenti­nische Tragödie.

Friedel Meyerfeld

Über Entwicklungsstörun­gen des Zungengrun­des, insbes. über Zysten­bildung daselbst m.e. eigenen Beobacht­ung, dissertatie geneeskun­de, 5 februari 1934, Uni­ver­sitieit van Heidelberg, BK.

Heinz Meijerfeld

— Lezikaron Rabbijn Dr. H. Andorn, Liberaal Joods Geloof, augustus 1966, blz. 43, ART.

Jamie Mayerfeld

— The Moral Asymmetry of Happiness and Suffering, The Southern Journal of Philosophy 1996, blz. 317-338, ART.
Suffering – Moral and ethical aspects, Oxford/New York 1999, BK.
The Myth of Benign Group Identity: A Critique of Liberal Nationalism, Polity, vol 30 (Summer 1998), blz. 555-78, ART.
The Mutual Dependence of External and Internal Justice: The Democratic Achievement of the International Criminal Court, Finnish Yearbook of International Law, vol 12 (2001), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, blz. 71-107, ART.
Who Shall Be Judge? The United States, the International Criminal Court, and the Global Enforcement of Human Rights, Human Rights Quarterly, vol 25 (February 2003), blz. 93-129, ART.
Collective Memory and the Law, a review essay of Lawrence Douglas, The Memory of Judgment, and Emilios Christodoluidis and Scott Veitch, eds., Lethe’s Law, Punishment and Society, vol 5 (April 2003), blz. 226-32, ART.
The Democratic Legacy of the International Criminal Court, Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, vol. 28, no. 2 (Summer 2004), blz. 147-56, ART.
Freedom’s Reach, a review essay of Judith Lynn Failer, Who Qualifies for Rights?, Clarissa Rile Hayward, De-facing Power, and Karen Struening, New Family Values, Political Theory, vol. 32 (December 2004), blz. 868-76, ART.

Diane Becker Mayerfeld

met anderen, Pest Management in Iowa: Planning for the Future. A Review of Iowa’s Agricultural-Energy-Environmental Initiatives, Iowa State University 1996, 17:89 blz.
Sustainable Agriculture Calendar 1998.

J. Michael Mayerfeld

Contracted for Post-Petition Attorneys Fees and Collection Costs: United Mercants Revisited, Columbia Business Law Review 1992, ART.

David Mayerfeld

met E.J. Rarick en F. Wallach, Report on Playground for All Children Project 1979-1981, 1981.

Pam Mayerfeld

Output Monitoring Is New Direction for Burn-In, Evaluation Engeneering, nov 1992, blz. 77.

Irene Majerfeld

met S. Barlati, Partial characterization of the factor responsible for tryptophanless death in Bacillus subtilis, J. Bacteriol. 1970 Feb ;101 (2).
met S. Barlati en O. Ciferri, Tryptophanless death in Bacillus subtilis, J. Bacteriol. 1970 Feb ; 101 (2).
met M. Yarus, Co-optimization of ribozyme substrate stacking and L-arginine binding, Journal of molecular biology 225 (1992): 945-9.
met M. Yarus, An RNA pocket for an aliphatic hydrophobe, Nature structural biology 1 (1994): 287-92.
met M. Welch en M. Yarus, 23S rRNA similarity from selection for peptidyl transferase mimicry, Biochemistry 36 (1997): 6614-23.
met M. Yarus, Isoleucine:RNA sites with associated coding sequences, RNA (New York, N.Y.) 4 (1998): 471-8.
met A. Khvorova, Y.G. Kwak, M. Tamkun en M. Yarus, RNAs that bind and change the permeability of phospholipid membranes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96 (1999): 10649-54.
met C. Lozupone, S. Changayil en M. Yarus, Selection of the simplest RNA that binds isoleucine, RNA (New York, N.Y.) 9 (2003): 1315-22.
met D. Puthenvedu en M. Yarus, RNA affinity for molecular L-histidine; genetic code origins, Journal of molecular evolution 61 (2005): 226-35.

Michael Mayerfeld Bell

met Edward Laine, New Evidence from Beneath the Western North Atlantic for the Depth of Glacial Erosion in Greenland and North America: Reply to Andrew’s Comment, Quaternary Research, 17:125-127, 1982.
The Face of Connecticut: People, Geology, and the Land, Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, 1984, BK.
met Edward Laine, Erosion of the Laurentide Region of North America by Glacial and Glacio-fluvial Processes, Quaternary Research, 23:154-174, 1985.
 Did New England Go Downhill?, Geographical Review, 79(4):451-467, 1989.
met Edward Laine, reprint of Erosion of the Laurentide Region…, pp. 173-202 in Ice Age Research, H. Liedtke, ed. Darmstadt, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1990.
 The Fruit of Difference: The Rural-Urban Continuum as a System of Identity, Rural Sociology, 57(1):65-82, 1992.
Deep Fecology: Mikhail Bakhtin and the Call of Nature, in: Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 5(4):65-84, 1994.
Childerley: Nature and Morality in a Country Village, Morality and Society Series 1994, 292 blz., BK.
The Dialectic of Technology: Commentary on Warner and England, in: Rural Sociology, 60(4): 623-632, 1995.
Stone Age New England: A Geology of Morals, pp. 29-64 in Creating the Countryside: The Politics of Rural and Environmental Discourse, Melanie Dupuis and Peter Vandergeest, eds., Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1996.
met Peter F. Korsching, “Technology,” pp. 677-681 in Encyclopedia of Rural America, Gary Goreham, ed. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1997.
met Peter F. Korsching, Town-Country Relations, pp. 708-711 in Encyclopedia of Rural America, Gary Goreham, ed. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1997.
The Ghosts of Place, in: Theory and Society. 26:813-836, 1997.
met Michael Gardiner, Bakhtin and the Human Sciences: An Introduction, pp. 1-12 & Culture as Dialog, pp. 49-62 in: Bakhtin and the Human Sciences: No Last Words, Michael M. Bell and Michael Gardiner, eds. London: Sage, 1998, BK
The Dialogue of Solidarities, or Why the Lion Spared Androcles, in: Sociological Focus. 31(2):181-199, 1998.
An Invitation to Environmental Sociology, 1998, BK.
met Hugh Campbell, The Question of Rural Masculinities, in: Rural Sociology. 64(4), 2000.
met Peggy Petrzelka, Rationality and Solidarity: The Social Organization of Common Property Resources in the Imdrhas Valley of Morocco, in: Human Organization. 59(3): 343-352, 2000.
met Gregory Peter, Susan Jarnaginen, Donna Bauer, Coming Back Across the Fence: Masculinity and the Transition to Sustainable Agriculture, in: Rural Sociology. 65(2): 215-233, 2000.
met Cynthia D. Anderson, The Social Economy of Rural Life: An Introduction. in: Journal of Rural Studies. 16: 269-272, 2000.
met Philip Lowe, Regulated Freedoms: The Market and the State, Agriculture and the Environment, in: Journal of Rural Studies. 16: 285-294, 2000.
Dialogue and Isodemocracy: An Essay on the Social Conditions of Good Talk, in: Revue Internationale de Sociologie (International Review of Sociology), 11(3): 281-297, 2001.
Can the World Develop and Sustain Its Environment?, pp. 440-459 in Sociology for a New Century, York Bradshaw, Joseph Healey, and Rebecca Smith, eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 2001.
met Frederick Hendricks. Democratization in Rural Life: Introduction, & Dialogue and Isodemocracy: Creating the Social Conditions of Good Talk, in: Walking Towards Justice: Democratization in Rural Life, Michael M. Bell and Frederick Hendricks, eds., with Azril Bacal. Research in Rural Sociology and Development book series. Amsterdam and New York: JAI/Elsevier, 2003.
met Cynthia Anderson, The Devil of Social Capital: A Dilemma for American Rural Sociology, pp. 232-244 in: Country Visions, Paul Cloke, ed. London: Pearson, 2003.
met Michael Carolan, In Truth We Trust: Discourse, Phenomenology, and the Social Relations of Knowledge in an Environmental Dispute, in: Environmental Values. 12(2):225-245, 2003.
met Greg Peter, Farming, entry in: Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. Michael Kimmel and Amy Aronson, eds. ABC-Clio Press, 2003.– met Susan Jarnagin, Gregory Peter, Donna Bauer, Farming for Us All (Practical Agriculture and the Cultivation of Sustainability), Iowa 2004, 299 blz., BK.
The Vitality of Difference: Systems Theory, the Environment, and the Ghost of Parsons. Society and Natural Resources, ART.
met M.J. Mariola, Science and the Social in Agroecology: The History of a Debate, in F.H. Buttel and W.L. Bland (eds.), New Directions in Agroecology Research and Education, ART.
Farms, in: Stephan Harrison, Steve Pile, and Nigel Thrift, Patterned Ground: Ecologies and Geographies of Nature and Culture, 2004, blz. 142-143, ART.
met M. Carolan, No Fence Can Stop It: Debating Dioxin Drift from a Small US Town to Arctic Canada, in: Neil Harrison and Gary Bryner, Science and Politics in the International Environment, 2004, blz. 385-422, ART.
met M. Carolan, Diane Mayerfeld en D. Exner, Rented Land: Barriers to Sustainable Agriculture, in Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 59(4), 2004, blz. 70A-75A, ART.
 An Invitation to Environmental Sociology. 4th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press (Sage).
and others. 2011. The Strange Music of Social Life: A Dialogue on Dialogic Sociology. Ann Goetting, ed. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
2009. “The Problem of the Original Capitalist.” Environment and Planning A 41(6): 1276-1282.
met Bland, 2007. “A Holon Approach to Agroecology.” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 5(4): 280-294.
met Hugh Campbell en Margaret Finney, eds. 2006. Country Boys: Masculinity and Rural Life. Rural Studies Series of the Rural Sociological Society. College Station, PA: Penn State University Press.
met Donna Bauer, Sue Jarnagin, and Greg Peter. 2004. Farming for Us All: Practical Agriculture and the Cultivation of Sustainability. Rural Studies Series of the Rural Sociological Society. College Station, PA: Penn State University Press.
met Fredrick Hendricks, eds., with Azril Bacal. 2003. Walking Towards Justice: Democratization in Rural Life. Research in Rural Sociology and Development book series. Amsterdam and New York: JAI/Elsevier.
met Michael Gardiner, editors. 1998. Bakhtin and the Human Sciences: No Last Words. London: Sage.
1997. “The Ghosts of Place,” Theory and Society. 26:813-836.
1994. Childerley: Nature and Morality in a Country Village. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1985. The Face of Connecticut: People, Geology, and the Land. Hartford, CT: Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey.