Südtiroler Landesarchiv

Südtiroler Landesarchiv, Armano-Diaz-Straβe 8/B, 39100 Bozen, Italia, landesarchiv@provinz.bz.it.


Bilthoven, 10 september 2017

Dear Madam/Sir,

Excuse me for writing in the English language. You could respond to me in German if you like. I’m not able to read Italian.

Researching the history of my Dutch family Von Meijenfeldt (in different spellings) I end up in the Baltic, Nordic, German and finally in previous Austrian states like Tirol.

I would like to draw your attention to your Adels-, Familie- und Hausarchive, the Bernardi file, chapter 5.2. Ahnenforschung Mayrsfeld, position 3 Ahnenchronik Mayr von Mayrsfeld.

From your colleagues of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck I received a copy of a 10 page handwritten manuscript of Heinrich E. v. Benigni in Mils with information about the family and a large family tree. I also received a scan of four coats of arms of this family between 1692 and 1706.

Could you inform me a little bit more on the content of your “Ahnenchronik” and whether it could deliver me additional information about the family?

Thank you in advance for any trouble taken,
best regards,
Hugo von Meijenfeldt