
Dieter Schimmelpfennig,,  



Bilthoven, 31 mei 2009

Tekst ontbreekt.


Bilthoven, 19 augustus 2009

Dear Dieter Schimmelpfennig,

Excuse me for writing in the English language. I have no problem to read and speak in the German language, so do not hesistate to respond in your native tongue.

In your excellent Belgard-Schivelbein website I found the following information:

“Die Pastoren Belgards seit der Reformation”

    1. Pröbste, Präpositi, Superintendenten:
    2. Jakob Meyer 1606 – 1608, seit 1556 Diakonus
    3. M. Friedrich Meyer 1642 – 1686, ein Belgarder. Sein Vater war der Senator und Kämmerer Andreas Meyer, sein Großvater der unter 4. genannte Jakob Meyer. Er starb im Alter von 84 Jahren. Sein Bruder war in Schweden geadelt worden und von ihm stammen die Grafen von Meyerfeld ab.

I am very interested in the background of this information. I return I could offer you almost any information about the Swedish counts Von Meijerfeldt. See , although in Dutch.

On 24 November 1674 Andreas Meijer was raised into the Swedish nobility with the name Meijerfeldt. The Swedish handbooks (Anrep, Elgenstierna) give a father-to-son line in Livland (strating 1510 in Riga), but the last major handbook (Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon, 25, page 470) cannot trace that information. Your source would mean a very different origin of the Swedish family: Hinter-Pommern. Andreas Meijer was employed in 1654 by Carl Gustav Wrangel, which is not contrary to the Swedish position in Belgard that year, I believe. He first took care of the two half brothers of Wrangel in Tübingen, then was imprisoned in Glückstadt and later became inspector in Oberpahlen, Livland.

Thank you in advance for any trouble taken,
kind regards,
Hugo G. von Meijenfeldt


Bilthoven, 19 augustus 2009

Dear Dieter,

I’m very sorry to have send you the e-mail above. You answered me already. Thanks for all the help!

Kind regards, Hugo